Showing posts with label fitnessandbeauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitnessandbeauty. Show all posts

Monday 22 May 2017

Mint and Fresh Lime Juice with Ginger

 Find the recipe for Summer Special Drink 


  • 1 lemon
  • 4 tsps sugar
  • 3-4 mint leaves
  • A small piece of ginger
  • Pinch of rock salt
  • 1 glass of water

  • Soak the sugar in some water for 5
    minutes (helps dissolve the sugar fast).
  • Squeeze out the juice of the whole lemon (remove the seeds)
  • Blend sugar, lemon juice, pinch of rock
    salt, mint leaves and water.
  • While serving, float a thin ¼ inch of ginger for flavour and 1 mint leaf.
  • Serve with lots of ice. (It works wonders
    against dehydration.)

Sunday 21 May 2017

What to Eat And Drink in order to Stay Hydrated

     Think of the health travails of a summer day and sweat and dehydration will be the first things to pop up in your thoughts. Dehydration is the loss of water and salts from the body. It occurs when more liquids and salts are lost than consumed. Young children and older people are at greater risk of suffering dehydration than the age groups in between.

Preserving Food In Summer

  • Keep raw and cooked food separate: Meat, poultry and seafood should be wrapped separately and kept away from cooked foods or foods meant to be eaten raw such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Throw away perishable leftovers that have been kept out for over two hours.
  • Pre-cooked food should always be refrigerated and consumed preferably on the same day.
  • Always wash raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water.
Get Summer Fit!
  • Quench your thirst with water.
  • Adults need to drink at least 1½ to 2 litres of water every day.
  • Drink lemon juice, coconut water and buttermilk to replenish the fluids that are lost with perspiration.
  • Avoid high protein diets. If on a highprotein diet, you need to drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water every day.
  • Avoid alcohol including beer and wine.
  • Drink water before you go out to play or exercise. Drink in between intervals of every 15 to 20 minutes.
  •  Source: ApolloLife

Check for the foods that improve Vision

     Our lifestyle choices and the foods that we choose to put on our plates can have a crucial impact on our overall health, including the health of our eyes.

While a diet high in saturated fat and sugar may increase the risk to many eye diseases; including healthy foods such as whole grains, dark greens and brightly coloured fruits and vegetables help in promoting good eyesight and preventing age related eye damage.

Foods that improve VISION:

Dark green leafy vegetables:
Lutein, found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli is one of the best known eye-protecting antioxidants.

Carrots, pumpkins and berries: The brightly coloured, especially red and yellow fruits and vegetables are rich in beta carotenoids (vitamin A), antioxidants and Vitamin C, which are essential for good eye health. It is recommended that people choose a variety of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet to take advantage of the myriad nutrients that each has to offer. The best vegetables for the eyes would be carrots, methi (fenugreek leaves), spinach, sweet potatoes, lettuce leaves and fruits like mangoes, papaya, cherries, peach, and watermelon.

Our online portal ApolloLife will guide you more on this.

Skincare Myths Busted

As the Sun blazes out this Summer, here is helpful advice on taking care of your skin.

Myth #1:
The higher the SPF (Sun Protection Factor), the better the protection
It is a myth that SPF is a measure of a sunscreen’s ability to protect against sun’s damaging effects. SPF only measures how well a sunscreen will block UVB rays (UVB causes skin tanning and burning). Like say, if you apply a sunscreen with SPF 30, it implies that you can stay in the sun 30 times longer without burning or tanning your skin than if your skin was bare. For Indian skin, SPF 15-30 is adequate. However, you should ensure that the sunscreen is a broad spectrum one which provides both UVA and UVB protection. So look for the label ‘broad spectrum’ while buying a product, or look for ingredients like avobenzone, zinc oxide, mexoryl etc which will offer UVA protection also (UVA rays cause skin ageing) .

Myth #2:
Facials and microdermabrasion are good for your skin care routine Studies comprehensively show that facials do nothing more than make you feel good. They can’t reduce wrinkles or improve complexion. Facials can actually damage your face if the aesthetician picks, squeezes or rubs too hard! It can break down elastin and collagen (the skin’s component that adds support and elasticity), so you have to be sure the massage is very gentle. Facials shouldn’t break the skin. The basis of a good facial is to re-establish balance in the skin usually by cleansing, exfoliation, skin analysis, massage and mask.

During microdermabrasion, fine grains of aluminum oxide are forced over the skin under high pressure. This exfoliates dead skin and stimulates collagen production. But people with sensitive skinned to be prepared to see some redness afterwards. A more effective alternative is to use an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) product. AHAs are great exfoliators and slow the aging process. Recent studies indicate that AHAs may act as free radical scavengers, helping to increase collagen production. In a nutshell, facials and microdermabrasion should be used as and when your skin demands. If you follow a good skin care at home, these might not be required on a regular basis.

Myth # 3:
Expensive skin care products work best A product should not be judged by its cost, but by its ingredients and your requirements. If your skin is oily, no product meant for normal skin, however expensive, will work for you. Routine skin care products like a cleanser, moisturiser, toner and sunscreen should be selected carefully. They should enhance your skin health and should be well tolerated. You might need to change products according to the weather conditions. A summer product might not work as well in winter. You can also take the guidance of your dermatologist, who will assess your skin type, your working schedules, your requirements, budget etc. and prescribe a feasible skin care routine.

Browse ApolloLife to get some more info on the same.

Monday 15 May 2017

Pranic Healing: Heart of the Matter

Have you ever gotten irritated with your spouse, while your spouse may not even know that you were angry until you exploded? This shows lack of sensitivity. When a woman says that a man is sensitive, it does not mean that the man is a cry baby.

It means that the man is aware of the woman's needs and feelings, so he tries to behave and act in a certain way to make the woman happy.

These conditions apply to both men and women. Some can be insensitive to the feelings and needs of their partners. Sensitivity is connected with the heart chakra.

The body has many energy centres called chakras which have various psychological and spiritual functions. One of the important centres is the heart center, also known as the anahata chakra in Sanskrit. In the Hebrew Kabbalah, chesed (meaning mercy and loving-kindness) corresponds to the heart chakra. In acupuncture, a hysterical person can be calmed down by stimulating certain acupuncture points, which activate the heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the 'emotional heart'. When we love our parents, partner, children or relatives, it is the heart chakra manifesting. By activating the heart, the lower emotional energies like anger, hate, irritation, resentment, worry, anxiety, tension, stress, fear, selfishness, aggressiveness, abrasiveness, addiction etc can be transmuted into higher forms of emotional energies. The heart chakra is the center of higher emotions like love, compassion, devotion, peace, serenity, joy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, tenderness, caring, considerateness, patience, sensitivity etc.

For most people, the other chakras are quite activated. The basic, sex and solar plexus chakras are activated in practically all persons. Their instincts for self survival, sex drive and tendency to react with their lower emotions are very active. With the pervasiveness of modern education and work that require the use of the mental faculty (development of the concrete and abstract mind) the ajna and throat chakras are developed in a lot of people. The heart and the crown chakras, however, are not developed in most people.

As a result, we often encounter persons who are quite intelligent but very abrasive. They have not matured emotionally or, have quite underdeveloped heart chakras. Although they may be intelligent and quite successful, their human relationships may be very poor, hardly having any friends and may have no family. The activation of the heart chakra ensures that the enhanced intellectual faculty and the increased will power will be used properly and harmlessly.

Source: ApolloLife

Know Commonly Used Essential Oils to Rejuvenate

Every shrub, flower, bush, seed or root contains natural oils. They are often aromatic and usually volatile substances, which help in protecting the plants against insects, diseases and other environmental conditions.

These essential oils can be extracted from their sources using steam distillation process and obtained in concentrated and potent forms. Contrary to their names, essential oils are not oily and are in fact clear liquids with strong aromas, though a few essential oils such as orange, lemongrass or Pratyusha Sen patchouli do have a yellow or amber tinge.

Varied applications
  • Essential oils are used in aromatherapy as their aroma has physiological and psychological therapeutic properties.
  • Essential oils are used in the preparation of several cosmetic items as they have skin benefits and provide fragrance as well.
  • They are used in compresses for their healing properties.
  • Essential oils are used as natural air fresheners in homes.
  • They are used topically for treatment of insect bites or wounds
    Know your oils
    The quality and prices of essential oils vary according to the rarity of the oil source, the country of its origin, the climate in which the plant grows best, the distillation quality and the oil yield. Essential oils are also available as blends of two or more oils. Essential oils are packaged in very small bottles made for individual use. They are sold in small quantities since they lose their scent and therapeutic properties if stored for long periods of time.

    Essential oils provide natural healing. These oils are synthesized through highly complex procedures retaining their molecular structure to deliver the best results. Using essential oils leaves no side effects and delivers slow but sure results!

    Essential oils should not be confused with perfumes or other fragrant oils. Perfumes are artificially created whereas essential oils are natural plant derivatives and have a stronger scent. In fact, just a dab of any essential oil goes a long way in ensuring that the fragrance lingers for long. 
  •  Browse our website ApolloLife to know what are the different essential oils? 

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Rice Milk And Its Pros And Cons

A lot of people are lactose intolerant or vegan and are constantly looking for dairy-free options of food and beverages. Thus, almond milk, soy milk, tofu etc. have become extremely popular choices. One other such alternative option that has recently taken the health world by storm is rice milk.

It is prepared by processing the rice grains and can be bought from stores or even made at home. But before adding something new to your diet, it’s essential to know everything about it. So here is a list of pros and cons of rice milk to make your decision easier.

Pro: It is a very safe alternative to milk
Rice milk is hypoallergenic. Since it is not made using nuts or any other allergy inducing ingredients, it is very safe to drink for those who are lactose intolerant as well as those who have nuts allergies. It also has sufficient nutrients to be consumed as a healthy alternative.

Con: It is not suitable for diabetics
Like rice, rice milk is high in starch and a single cupful has more carbohydrates than regular or soy milk. In case of diabetes, rice milk may cause a sudden sugar spike which can cause problems. Hence, it is best to avoid rice milk if you are a diabetic.

Pro: It does not contain saturated fats or unhealthy cholesterol
When compared to other milk based products or alternatives, rice milk has the least amount of fats and is considered the healthiest option. It contains minimal fats which are unsaturated and hence it is an excellent option for those who have to follow dietary restrictions due to cholesterol problems.

Con: It is low in protein
Dieticians recommend that we need to consume milk daily to get the essential intake of protein. Rice milk only has two grams of protein per cup, as compared to regular or soy milk which has seven to eight grams. Protein helps with the taste and also leads to a feeling of fullness. However, due to its low protein content, rice milk may not lead to a feeling of satiety and appetite control.

Source: Bpositive Magazine

Thursday 27 April 2017

Skin Wounds - Diagnosis and Treatment

A wound is an injury to the skin. The skin may be torn, cut, punctured or bruised. In pathology, it refers to any injury that damages the dermis of the skin. It is a common injury and nearly everyone has experienced one type of wound or another. Minor wounds are especially common in childhood.

Types of Wounds:
Based on duration

  • Acute Wound: Acute is a new wound resulting from an acute injury or trauma.
  • Chronic wound: It is typically a long-standing wound which takes a long time to heal, usually existing for six weeks or more.

Based on appearance

  • Open Wounds
  • Closed Wound

Open Wounds:-
These are wounds that present as raw open areas and are of various types:

  • Cut wounds or incision wounds are a result of cuts by a clean, sharp-edged object such as a knife or a glass cutting into the skin.
  • Lacerations are irregular tear-like wounds caused by blunt trauma.
  • Abrasions are superficial wounds in which the topmost layer of the skin is scraped off. They are often caused by sliding or falling on a rough surface.
  • Puncture wounds are caused by an object puncturing the skin, such as a nail or needle. t Penetration wounds are caused by an object, such as a knife, entering and coming out from the skin.
  • Missile wounds, also called velocity wounds, are caused by an object entering the body at a high speed, typically a bullet.
  • Avulsions occur when an entire structure or part of it is forcibly pulled away; such as the loss of a permanent tooth or an ear lobe.
From a purely clinical point of view, abortion is a safe procedure when performed under the supervision of a qualified medical professional and under appropriate sanitary conditions. There is no scientific evidence to show that a woman going in for an abortion risks infertility. An improperly done abortion can, however, lead to infection and result in sub-fertility.

Closed Wounds:-
Closed wounds are wounds beneath the skin where the skin surface remains intact despite the injury. They are of few types but are just as dangerous as open wounds. The types of closed wounds are:

  • Contusions, more commonly known as bruises, are caused by blunt force trauma that damages tissues under the skin.
  • Hematoma, also called a blood tumor, is caused by damage to a blood vessel that causes blood to collect under the skin. t Crush injury or crush wounds occur when a heavy object falls on a person, splitting the skin and shattering or tearing underlying structures.
 Source: Apollo Life

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Spine Health and Signs of an Ageing Spine

Curves are a normal part of the spine’s structure. A side view of the spine resembles a soft ‘S’ shape. The normal curves are termed lordosis and kyphosis. However, the natural curves should not be mistaken for spinal disorders also called Lordosis and Kyphosis.

Good posture is about all parts of the spine being in correct alignment so that the body weight is evenly distributed. This means that if someone is not in correct posture it can put strain on certain parts of the spine (usually the lumbar or lower back).

The spine is not straight and it was never meant to be straight. Each part of the spine has a soft curve to it. The curve directions alternate down the spine. These form a kind of spring that enables shock absorption by the spine. It would actually be very bad if the spine were to be straight!

During our lifetime, our spines are required to withstand considerable physical weight bearing stresses resulting from activities of daily living. As a result of these stresses, ‘wear and tear’ or degeneration occurs in all parts of the vertebral column. Degeneration which occurs in the spine as a consequence of daily living is considered part of the normal ageing process.

Signs Of An Ageing Spine:
Most people are concerned with changes in their body shape as they age. Although some changes inevitably occur with ageing, your lifestyle choices can slow down or speed up these changes. With age a person may become shorter. After the age of 40, people typically lose 1cm every 10 years and the height loss increases after the age of 70.

Some people live to old age without experiencing any of the symptoms typically associated with an ageing spine. Others may experience the following:
  • Loss of bone density
  • Spinal fracture, even from minor trauma
  • Stiffness
  • Decreased range of motion in the joints: difficulty in bending, twisting, or walking
  • Discomfort or pain after long periods of sitting or standing
  • Difficulty in getting up from a sitting position
  • Difficulty in lifting heavy objects
  • Loss of flexibility
  • Increased susceptibility to back problems in colder weather
 Check out Apollo Life website to know what are the Conditions Associated With An Ageing Spine

A Brief Note On Water Related Diseases and Its Prevention

Water-borne diseases are illnesses caused and transmitted by the use and consumption of contaminated water. Irrespective of the Old Issues & New Risks In Clean Water Dr Suneetha Narreddy cause and point of water contamination, infections are picked up in the course of basic everyday activities like drinking water, preparation and consumption of food, bathing and washing.

The long list of water related diseases and conditions include Anaemia, Ascariasis, Botulism, Diarrhoea, Dracunculiasis, Fluorosis, Hookworm infection, Japanese encephalitis, Lymphatic filariasis, Malaria, Malnutrition, Polio, Ring Worm, Tinea, Scabies, Schistomiasis. But prevalently, the most common and the most troublesome of water-related diseases, in terms of public health or health of a community are:
  • Typhoid fever
  • Cholera
  • Leptospirosis
  • Hepatitis A
There is also the increased risk of infection or water-borne diseases contracted through direct contact with polluted waters.
Among them are:
  • Wound infections
  • Dermatitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Ear, nose and throat infections
 Go to our online portal Apollo Life to know the prevention process of the same.

Effectiveness of Liquid Diets

In today’s context and lifestyle, liquid diets not only help a lot by detoxifying your system, but are almost imperative to maintaining good health.

 Naturopathists are of the opinion that if you follow a liquid diet once a week, not only will this help the digestive system to rest but also allow it to get rid of toxins accumulated over time. In all, it energizes you, helps in rectifying water retention problems as well as it contributes to weight loss leading to a general overall feeling of well being.

A sample of a liquid diet that I have seen working with people I know is as follows:

You can kick start your day at, lets say, 7 a.m. by taking a glass of water and then every one hour, you can consume some form of a liquid diet alternating it with a glass of water, the next hour. The options are in plenty ranging from tea, coffee, juice (fruit/vegetable), buttermilk, soup and finally a cup of milk at 10 p.m. if you are hungry.

A Reiki master once told me about several juices that enhance a person’s well being. For example carrot and celery juice, chaal kurunda/white pumpkin juice, pomegranate juice and sweet-lime juice. All these juices should be combined with 6—8 glasses of water taken at various intervals.

Source: Apollo Life

Know Health Benefits and Nutritional Facts of Dates

Whether you are looking for a sweet treat with natural goodness or a nutritionally packed snack to fight fatigue, dates easily qualify as the perfect choice for most health enthusiasts. High in carbohydrates and fibre, and rich in exotic taste and essential minerals, dates can be a healthy addition to any diet.

 Originally dates came from the Middle East and South Asia. It was prominently so around the Persian Gulf and River Nile. Today they are grown extensively in the warm climate zones across Africa, Europe and Asia. The date fruit belongs to the ‘drupe’ category having a fleshy outer layer and an inner hardened pit with a seed.

Date variants are available either as the soft ‘Medjool’ and ‘Khadrawy’, the semi dry ‘Deglet Noor’ or the dry form ‘Thoory’. The popular and revered cultivars include ‘Medjool’, ‘Khadrawy’, ‘Amer Haji’, ‘Khalasah’, ‘Kenta’ and ‘Khajoor’.

Weighty Affair!
Dates are cholesterol free and loaded with dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These energy-dense delicious fruits are rich in potassium (which helps to check hypertension), calcium (which is useful for skeletal and dental health), selenium (the immunity booster), magnesium and copper.

If the antioxidants in dates are chiefly the powerful carotenoids, the vitamins comprise the entire range of the B complex – B6, niacin, and folic acid. It is also rich in amino acids. About 100 g of fresh dates provide 400 kcal approximately. So, the flip side is you must be careful about nibbling on too many dates! It is especially so if you are trying to watch your weight.

Browse our online health magazine Apollo Life to know more benefits of Dates.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Its all About King of Fruits - Mango

Delicious, fragrant, and a powerhouse of nutrients, this succulent fruit makes it to the top of almost every Indian’s list of favourite fruits.

A potent source of fibre and iron, mango is rich in Vitamins A, C, E and K. It contains significant amounts of phosphorus, manganese and potassism. The presence of flavonoids
and polyphenol antioxidants in the fruit provides a variety of health benefits

The fibre found in mango helps regulate bowel movement and keeps constipation at bay. Mango contains digestive enzymes that help relieve acidity and break down proteins thereby aiding digestion

Mango has a low glycemic index - between 41 and 60 and it is known to reduce complications associated with diabetes. A decoction made with mango leaves is an excellent remedy for diabetics.

Heat Stroke
Unripe mango is a rich source of pectin. When steamed and juiced with cumin (jeera), rock salt and sugar, it offers relief against heat stroke or heat exhaustion in summer.

New research suggests that the polyphenol antioxidant compounds in mango act as protection against breast and colon cancers. It is also rich in carotenes that are known to protect the body from cancers of the lung and oral cavity.

Source: ApolloLife

Little Note on Wedding Hairstyles

                                            A wedding is not karaoke. You don’t just wake up and perform while people egg you on even though you sound disastrously pathetic. A wedding has to be perfect in every way. Everyone wants to look their best on the occasion and the best of all should be and must be the bride. Every pleat should fall in place, the blush and colour should match your grace and no hair should be out of place.

 So, if you’re the bride, you can’t let the others get ahead of you. Check out some choicest wedding hairstyles and be a stunner on your Wedding Day!

Classic Bun
  • Neat and elegant, the classic bun is perfectly suited to a bride who needs to create beautiful lines and keep hair off her face.
  • Once in place, you can accessorize with hairgrips and hair slides; choose a colour that compliments your hair tone and outfit.
  • Completely chic and classy, you can wear the classic bun sleek and groomed, or looser and accessorized for a more contemporary feel. You’ll always look pulled together and timeless in all of your wedding pictures.

Fresh Flowers For Your Hair
  • A single bold flower or a cluster of delicate blooms, add a romantic flourish to your wedding-day hairstyle.
  • In general, use larger blossoms with simple styles, smaller ones for more intricate looks.
  • Opt for flowers that are in season and are resilient.
  • Some flowers shouldn’t be used near your skin; for safety reasons, have your florist guide you to sensible choices.
  • Highly fashionable flower pieces tucked within the braided bun `look splendid.
  • Place a flower at the base of the bun for a simple, effective detail.
  • Having the flower to one side or slightly below the top of the bun is more elegant than placing it above the bun.
  • Source: ApolloLife