Saturday 1 April 2017

Some Ayurvedic Principles in Diet

Whilst the basic elements of a healthy balanced diet regime comprising fibre-dense grains, fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts remain the same, an ayurvedic diet also outlines the specific foods which must be included or avoided as per the existing doshas in an individual. Such a personalised diet with a holistic approach ensures optimum health and vitality.

Ayurvedic Diet Principles
As per ayurvedic classification, our body’s metabolism is governed by three doshas or characteristic body humours which determine our physiology, temperament and risk to diseases. It is believed that the Panch Tatva i.e. jal, vayu, agni, aakash and prithvi make up our body and the way they work in our body is described as doshas, namely Vaata, Pitta and Kapha . Each dosha constitutes a combination of any two Tatva or elements and the two most predominant dosha decide the ‘Prakruti’ of an individual. This unique doshic thumbprint must be maintained and any imbalance or ‘vikriti’ in the dosha levels results in ailments. An ayurvedic practitioner analyses the individual’s prakruti, dosha tendencies, degree of ama (or toxins) and the strength of digestive fire before designing a customised ayurvedic diet.

Certain basic principles of an ayurvedic diet regime are:
A meal must include the six rasas or flavours like sweet (madhur), salty( lavana), sour (amla), pungent (tikha), bitter ( katu) and astringent (kasahaya). Each flavour or taste enjoys a unique impact on different doshas.  Vaata is pacified by sweet, sour and salty foods; kapha by bitter, pungent and astringent foods and pitta by sweet, pungent and astringent foods. But it is not as simple as a formula! For instance, eating more of vaata pacifying foods by a vaata person may aggravate his kapha dosha and again create imbalance. So moderation is the key.

Apollo Life will guide you more on types of different diet types.

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