Thursday 20 April 2017

Colour Therapy - Healing with Colours

Colours do affect our thought process in subtle ways. That’s why people feel blue when they’re sad, go green with envy, grow pink with embarrassment, and see red when they are angry. Apart for the mood altering qualities, colours are also known to have healing properties.

The History:
Though the term ‘colour therapy’ has come recently, the idea existed from ancient times. Warriors painted themselves in reds, blacks and browns as they believed these colours made them look fierce. Tribal women dressed themselves in bright colours to look attractive. The ancient Egyptians too understood the importance of colour - and they used colour to heal. They built temples for healing, where the rooms were coloured in different colours. The Chinese practised colour healing too, called the nei ching, nearly 2000 years ago.

India too has credited colours with incredible healing power from ancient times. Sages understood the healing vibrations of different colours and how they helped cure aliments, this is reported in Atharva Veda; where they connect the seven colours of the rainbow (violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red) to the seven energy centres, also known as the chakras, of our body for healing purposes. Each chakra is further related to a certain gland, so they believed that the proper use of a specific colour helps cure that body ailment concerned.

Another aspect of colour therapy is the close relation the five elements of the body: fire, air, water, ether and earth, have with colours. Fire is associated with red, air with green, water with deep blue, ether with light blue and earth with yellow. Thus colour therapy draws the vibrations and energy from the five elements and colours. Together combines them to better our body’s ailments. These ancient beliefs and practices are what we still carry forward and have proved to be beneficial in today’s practice of colour therapy.

SOURCE:  ApolloLife

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