Thursday, 9 March 2017

Simple Kitchen Hacks for Working Women

 Today’s women have to wear a lots of hats, that of a home-maker, wife, mother, working woman etc. In this competitive busy environment, women find it tough to juggle these hats, resulting in poorly planned meals; frozen foods, ready to cook meals, processed foods or home delivery. What we fail to see is, that these foods are made for taste and not for nutritive value. The healthiest food is what one makes at home with caution. If you can’t cook yourself then don’t give in, make sure you supervise what’s being cooked.

I myself have a busy life, as I load it with activities chalked out for me, and so I understand truly how difficult it is to make that extra effort to cook at the end of a working day. You already have a full plate and it goes without saying that filling your family’s plate is just one more thing that you have to think about. So, here are a few tips to make it easier for you.

Plan - First and foremost, planning is very essential. Plan your menu for the entire week ahead.

Guests - If any guests are expected, keep that in mind while planning your menu to avoid last minute tension.

Shopping -Prepare your grocery list for the week ahead, while planning the menu.

Weekend - It’s the best time to tick off your ‘things to do’ list, so make sure you find time to do the grocery every weekend.

Ground work - If you have any ground work to be done, like preparing ginger-garlic paste, tomato puree or crushed pepper etc. Do it over the weekend and store it under proper conditions.
 Apollo Life will guide you more on the same.

#kitchentips #workingwomen #busylife

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