Wednesday 15 March 2017

Endometriosis - Time To End The Silent Suffering in Women

 Endometriosis Means:
Tissue that forms the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is sometimes present in other places in some women. These sites can be ovaries, fallopian tubes, cul-de-sac (behind uterus), intestines, rectum, bladder.

 Endometrial tissue outside the uterus also responds to changes in hormones. It also breaks down and bleeds like the lining of the uterus during the menstrual cycle every month. The bleeding inside the uterus has a passage to come out as menstrual bleeding. The bleeding at these extra uterine sites collect and forms cysts (chocolate cysts) or adhesions. This can cause pain, especially before and during period. Endometriosis is found in about one third of infertile women.
Who Is At Risk :
  •      Young women in their reproductive age
  •      Women with infertility
  •     Women with uterine defects like septum or bicornuate uterus 
  •      It can run in the family
  •   Pelvicpain (pain in lower abdomen and back). Such pain may occur with sex, during bowel movements or urination, or just before or during menstrual cycle.
  •   Menstrual bleeding may occur more than normal or in abnormal pattern
  •   Endometriosis also may cause infertility.
  •  Feeling of gaseous distension around the periods.
  •  Some women with endometriosis may have no symptoms.
  •   Pelvic examination
  •  Ultrasonography
  •  Laparoscopy-Visual inspection is the standard method in diagnosing endometriosis
Author: Dr.Rooma Sinha

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