Wednesday 22 February 2017

Want to dissolve excess fat?

When you look at yourself, do you – like many others – see certain parts of your body that you are not altogether happy with? Have you also found that even with strict discipline, changing your eating habits and special exercises, there are certain regions where the fat deposits simply don't go away – even though you have succeeded in losing weight?
 All this has changed – now you can decide from where all you want to get rid of the fat deposits.

Simply dissolve excess fat - with lipolysis injections:

What sounds like a dream, is in fact a fascinating idea that was first tried out in 1988 by an Italian professor, Sergio Maggiori, and then successfully tested in practice in 1995 by the Brazilian dermatologist Patricia Rittes. The method involves injecting phosphatidylcholine (PPC), a natural substance obtained from soya beans, directly into the unwanted deposit of fat. The same substance, in the same chemical composition, is also produced naturally by the body, where it performs a wide range of functions, especially in connection with fat metabolism. It has also been used medically for many years as a liver-protective substance and as a means for preventing fat embolism in the blood. Thanks to further development of this therapy by Dr. Franz Hasengschwandtner of Austria, who is one of the most experienced therapists in this field in Europe, and other qualified physicians in the NETWORK-Lipolysis, it has now become possible to achieve faster and better treatment results, and also to standardise the therapy.

Injection lipolysis is, however, not a new miracle method for losing weight. What the therapy does do is to enable the fat in specific, individual regions of the body to be broken down and then absorbed by the body's metabolism. The active substance is injected via very thin needles directly into the area concerned, causing the fat cells to be dissolved. The fat which is released, is then naturally and permanently disposed off by the body. The body circumference in this region is measurably reduced. Because of its elasticity, the skin in the area concerned tightens again, so creating a smooth and firm surface.

Suitable regions for treatment with lipolysis injections:

Facial region: Double chin, cheeks, neck. Body: Upper and lower abdomen, thighs (outside and inside), lower buttocks and hips, fat deposits on the upper arms, knees, and back.

As a rule, two to four treatments are necessary at intervals of eight weeks in order to successfully complete the therapy. This is an out patient procedure and takes only 20 minutes to perform. Over 80 percent of patients are very satisfied with the results after two to three treatments.

For further details log on to Apollo Life, our online portal.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Health Benefits of Lemon

The lemon comes with numerous health and cosmetic benefits. Ancient Egyptians ate and drank lemon juice to rid themselves of poison. The two very common and known benefits of lemon are that it aids in weight loss and builds immunity through antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Lemon And Dietary Facts

  • Lemons are rich in nutritional elements such as vitamins B, C (which helps prevent scurvy and strengthens the bones), phosphorous, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • It is rich in flavonoids that have anticancer and antioxidant properties.
  • It is rich in dietary fibre and does not contain saturated fats.
  • It also has a considerable amount of vitamin A, which is good for the skin and the eye.
  • Lemons are also high in minerals such as potassium, copper and iron. Potassium is essential for controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

Lemon For Health
  • Lemons strengthen blood vessels and prevent internal hemorrhage thereby preventing high blood pressure.
  • Lemons have been used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. Lemon juice works as a diuretic and provides relief in kidney and bladder disorders.
  • Aids in digestion and offers relief from heartburn, belching and bloating. A few drops of lemon juice in hot water is said to purify the liver and cure indigestion.
  • It also boosts metabolism thereby controlling diarrhoea and constipation.
  • Lemon skin is known to cure headaches when it is sun-dried, ground and applied to the hair.
  • Lemon juice helps in the treatment of gingivitis and inflammation of the tongue.
  • Lemon juice, when applied to bites and stings can help release the poison and free the pain.
Want to know more on lemon uses you can check our site Apollo Life.